Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I think I am losing my mind? On Friday 31st December my son will be arriving at Cape Town airport along with his girlfriend to come spend time with me for the holidays, so what's the big deal you ask? Well I have been looking forward to it for a long time and it is one of the main reasons why I worked my ass off on this tiling job. I needed to have money to pay Hilary back for my share of the airfare as well as have food and spending money. I saved R320 in notes and coins in a jar in my sock drawer, I also managed to keep R2000 from the tiling job after paying everyone and also had R1700 in the bank. Not bad I think, will be tight but I can do it. But! But! I still have to pay for my photos which I had developed and need to pay for the mountings. Which means I will have about R400 left and two days to sell enough photos to make up for the money I had just saved for the holiday. Why then did I spend it on my photos? Ha ha I don't know....which is why I think I am going nuts.........what the hell? I just had to get the photos done, just had to, If I did not I will not do it and once again put it off till I have money again which means going back to tiling or building something or slogging away on a construction site like I usually do dreaming of the chance to save enough for the photos...when I have enough something else will come up and I will do the sensible thing and get it sorted out and go back to working on a site to make more money to do the same thing over and over and over again. I never wanted to take a chance regarding my son's visit. I want it to be special and I don't want to have to worry about food etc but I can't sell out again. I have this chance this one chance to do something "I" believe in and can only prey and hope it works out. I did the maths.......I originally had eleven done....and sold five of those on my first presentation @ R380 each. Now I have increased my price to R450 because my cost went up slightly. So Now I have about R400 left in my pocket and 27 photos selling at @R450. In two days I have to sell enough to make the R3700 back which I spent and the rest will be for more stock so they can wait till the visit is over. Everything is possible I guess but if I sell nothing how will I get through the next two weeks or so with R400? Am I nuts or what? Oh well I just have to make this happen, I can be so irresponsible sometimes, or is it unreasonable? or selfish? shit I don't know any more, everything seems to have a grey area now.
Ok deep breaths......note to self "just have faith"

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